Type of Private Digital Currency aimed at Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Malls or Smart Stadiums.

According to Wikipedia,

The agora of Athens (Greek, Αρχαία Αγορά της Αθήνας) was the center of political, administrative, commercial and social activity in ancient Athens, its religious and cultural focus, and the place where justice was dispensed. It was a large, roughly rectangular open space flanked by an accumulation of public buildings.

Over time, the Agora acquired a mixture of functions:)

Center of government
It was, among others, the place where the Athenians met to discuss their laws and decide the political future of their city, which was usually placed in the hands of those who best mastered oratory, the art of convincing. The philosophy of Socrates, or, more precisely, the Platonic dialogues (and Plato’s Academy, whose doors were open for several centuries) gave our way of thinking an imperishable basis, born in the bosom of a group of friends of sophia (wisdom) who opposed that democracy, of the agora, which left the future of the city in the hands of sophisticated orators and demagogues.

Until the reforms of Clístenes it was the place of concentration of the Ekklesía (Assembly).

The Athenian agora became a residential area during the Roman and Byzantine occupations. This was indisputably seen in the new forms implemented in terms of the art of discussion.

Sacred precinct
The Agora was a sacred place, as numerous sanctuaries testify. There were temples dedicated to the Olympian gods, Hephaestus, Zeus and Apollo.

Judicial seat
In the Agora were the courts where trials were held and where Socrates, among others, was sentenced to death for, according to his accusers, corrupting young people and introducing new gods.

Its vitality was enhanced by the Via Panathenaica, the main street of Athens, -after passing through the Dipylon Gate-, and which was sometimes the main stage of the procession that crossed it during the Panathenaean festivals.


In today’s Digital Economy the use of electronic wallets together with the development of digital or virtual currencies is increasingly growing, there are and will coexist in the future various types of digital currencies or «digital coins» such as cryptocurrencies which are basically characterized by their character of public currency, listed on financial markets and stock exchanges of multiple countries in the world, the Stable Coins whose main feature is and will be the fact of being fully backed by state governments, The MDP or Private Digital Currencies, as is the case of SCTcoin, which, as its name suggests, are a type of currency of limited use in private ecosystems, generally closed and networked to other ecosystems located in different geographical areas but which contemplate similar modalities of economic exchange and trade structures at the level of distribution of goods and services.
Based on this concept, we could determine that SCTcoin is a type of Private Digital Currency or Private Digital Coin whose uses are mainly aimed at both Smart Cities or Smart Cities with the same economic-commercial basis among them in the Digital Economy of the 21st century, and Smart Buildings or Intelligent Buildings, Smart Malls or Smart Shopping Malls or Smart Stadiums or Smart Sports Stadiums, i.e. both at a more macroeconomic level as would be the case of cities and at a more microeconomic level as is the case of Smart Buildings, for example all this develops and interacts as the same network of digital platforms through which circulate various types of SCTcoins that adopt the name of each of their own local digital ecosystems but that share the same type of economic-commercial structures based on the new digital economy of the 21st century and that therefore can perfectly well be the same as Smart Cities or Smart Cities with the same economic-commercial basis in the Digital Economy of the 21st century. Therefore, they can be perfectly interchangeable between each of the aforementioned local ecosystems.